Friday, November 7, 2008

All I Really Want for Christmas...

"In the U.S. alone, 127,000 kids go to sleep at night dreaming of the day when they might be adopted....although that is a big number, it's important to note that more than 300,000 churches grace this country. Think about it---that's less than one child for every two churches."

From, Why I'm For Orphans By Jim Daly, President, Focus on The Family.
For more info., check out


moma 2 Gods princess said...

I saw the Title of the blog,All I want for Christmas and saw Steven Curtis'pic!!! Im like awwww Rhonda wants Steven for Christmas!!!! Wonder how Wyatt would feel!!!!
LOL!! But yea maybe one day we can follow his dream and adopt too!!

Rhonda Jeanne said...

LOL!!!You think that would be asking for too much???

Elysa said...

This song gets me every stinking time.

Maybe God will send us to Swaziland and let us be a family for a bunch of little ones one day.