Tuesday, November 3, 2009

12 Gifts of Hope.

Want to bless someone in need this Christmas? Sure you do! We all do, don't we? However, a lot of us are strapped financially. Well, fear not kind-hearted friend! Thanks to the fine folks at Samaritan's Purse and Heifer International, you can give a gift of hope to someone who desperately needs it for $10.00 or less! How cool is that? Extremely cool, THAT'S how cool! Check it out:

Gift #1. A hot meal- $7.00
By giving $7.00 to Samaritan's Purse, you can provide a week's worth of dinners to someone who's hungry.

Gift #2. Milk- $4.00
Sending $4.00 will provide milk for a week to a needy child.

Gift #3. Blanket-$6.00

With your $6.00, Samaritan's Purse can provide a blanket for someone who otherwise would be without one.

Gift #4. Mosquito Net- $10.00
Malaria kills over a million people each year. Your gift of $10.00 can provide someone with a bed net, treated with natural insecticide to kill and keep out mosquitoes.

Gift #5. Feed a Baby for a Week- $9.00
This amount can feed a baby or nursing mother for a week.

Gift #6. Sports Gear- $8.00
If you were hoping to give something more along the lines of fun, here's your chance. $8.00 will provide a child with a soccer ball, an incredible luxury they might not otherwise have.

Gift #7. "Jesus Loves Me" Lambs - $4.00
Want to bless a little one with a toy they can love? $4.00 will give a small child a stuffed musical lamb that plays "Jesus Loves Me."

Gift #8. Gospel Story Books- $6.00

These are picture books that tell the story of Jesus. For $6.00, you can provide books to 20 children.

All of the above mentioned gifts are available through Samaritan's Purse. Check them out online at www.samaritanspurse.org or call them at 1-800-353-5957.

Gift #9. Rabbits- $10.00
Heifer International will use your $10.00 to buy three rabbits for a village or family in need. Rabbits are raised for food and rabbit manure can be used as fertilizer without composting.Because rabbits have so many offspring, your gift is multiplied quickly and used to help more people.

Gift #10. Sheep- $10.00

Heifer International will combine your $10.00 with gifts from others to buy a sheep for a village or family in need. Wool from sheep is used to make clothing or sold for extra income. Offspring can be used for meat or produce more wool. Sheep manure can be turned to fertilizer for the land and improve the soil.

Gift #11. Pig - $10.00
Pigs are used as source of protein, income from the sale of offspring and manure to nourish crops and soil and increase crop yields.

Gift #12. Tree - $10.00

Sounds odd...here's why Heifer International gives trees:
"We believe development must be sustainable — that projects should be long-term investments in the future of people and the planet....On a steep Tanzanian hillside, Heifer International helped a family learn to plant trees and elephant grass to keep the soil in place. Today, they have flourishing rows of leucaena trees and corn.
Through training, families learn how to keep their small plots of land healthy and renew the soil for future generations by planting trees, using natural fertilizer, and limiting grazing." www.heifer.org
Pretty darn rockin', I'd say.

Gifts #s 9-12 are available through Heifer International. Visit them online at www.heifer.org or call them at 800-422-0474.

If you are wanting and able to give a little more, both of these organizations have many more life-saving gifts to offer. You can provide care for an orphan for A MONTH for $35.00, teach a child to read and write for $15.00 or provide food, medicine and other essentials to an AIDS widow or orphan for a month with only $45.00. Supply clean water for a family for $18.00, share the cost of a fishing boat for $30.00, or buy a flock of geese for a village for $20.00. There's so much you can do to help, and so many people who need it.


Wyatt Roberts said...

Surely, we can do EVERY ONE OF THESE several times.

Wyatt Roberts said...

I love you, honey!