Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas on Plum Creek

"There had never been such a Christmas as this. It was such a large, rich Christmas, the whole church full of Christmas. There were so many lamps, so many people, so much noise and laughter, and so many happinesses in it. Laura felt full and bursting, as if the whole big rich Christmas was inside her, and her mittens and her beautiful jewelbox with the wee gold cup-and-saucer and teapot, and her candy and her popcorn ball.
And suddenly someone said, 'These are for you, Laura.'

Mrs. Towers Stood smiling, holding out the little fur cape and muff.

'For me?' Laura said, 'For me?' Then everything else vanished while with both arms she hugged the soft furs to her...

'What do you say, Laura?' Ma asked, but Reverend Alden said, 'There is no need. The way her eyes are shining is enough.' "

~Laura Ingalls Wilder, On The Banks of Plum Creek

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